five element acupuncture Nature's way of bringing you Health in Harmony
Acupuncture Story

My initial interest in acupuncture came from looking for an alternative to what was being offered to help with the chronic tinnitus and debilitating, visually impaired migraines I was experiencing, both aggravated through stress and anxiety. As a result, of looking into Chinese Medicine and after receiving several appointments, I now virtually no longer experience migraines. As for the tinnitus, even though I now know it can't ever be totally cured, the condition is at least drastically more manageable. Moreover, it was just such a huge relief to know there was a system of medicine that actually recognised the cause of tinnitus. I have also recently been part of a study with UCL looking into the patterns of people experiencing tinitus.

Over the years, I have experienced receiving various types of acupuncture, but for me, it has been five element acupuncture that has achieved the most profound results on many different levels. This has been further enhanced by the introduction of Kampo herbal medicine, complementing the beneficial effects of acupuncture. Overall, this then provided the passion and conviction to study and put into practice what was being taught, qualities that still persist and keep me constantly motivated.

Special Interests (Mental Wellbeing, Stress Relief and Fertility Health)

As a five element acupuncturist, treatments are generally not symptomatically based, but have the aim that by treating a person as a whole and the underlying cause of imbalance, all other symptoms will then in turn become naturally restored, working on both physical and emotional levels. Kampo also combines harmoniously and complements five element acupuncture, as they both seek to put an individual’s body into balance, so it can then function in a more natural way as our bodies were deisgned to do and not as modern living tries to dictate.

One other such example of this is surrounding fertility related issues, helping a person both physically and emotionally benefit from the effect of the combined therapies.Therefore, I have developed a special interest in stress relieving and fertility related issues (see why) especially as one can greatly affect the other.


Apart from my own practice, I also work voluntary for different organisations, including previously for over 9 years as an acupuncturist with a registered mental health charity, helping disadvantaged members of the community suffering from depression and stress related illnesses
. Similarly, but for a short period before, I was a volunteer acupuncturist for another organisation providing support care for people living with HIV/AIDS and also at Homerton Hospital as part of their sickle cell support programme. In addition, I volunteered on an events basis for CoolTan Arts, a renown mental health arts charity, including working on their LATES programme at The Science Museum and contributing to their resulting publication.

Presently, I am involved with Global Fusion Music & Arts, another distinguished arts based charity, where amongst other projects, I wrote and performed in a short musical play with them, specifically about male mental wellbeing issues (free to watch on GFMA-TV).
Whereas, I also recently helped out on Project Hope at the Queen Elizabeth Hospital and the vaccine roll-out within Greenwich during the Covid-19 pandemic. Furthermore, I completed my first marathon, the 2021 Brighton Marathon, raising money for the National Rheumatoid Arthritis Society (NRAS).

five element acupuncture aims to restore whatever is presented, no matter how big or small...

Andrew G. Ogleby
BSc (Hons) Lic Ac. PGDip. Kampo